27 Mar 2012
Round Robin Test 2012 for Biodiesel and rapeseed oil fuel jointly organised by AGQM and FAM
The Association Quality Management Biodiesel (AGQM) organises again in cooperation with the Fachausschuss für Mineralöl- und Brennstoffnormung (FAM) a round robin test for Biodiesel and rapeseed oil fuel. more…
22 Mar 2012
AGQM Publishes Biodiesel Quality Report 2011
As already done in 2011, AGQM releases a report on the quality of Biodiesel produced in Germany. This report once again confirms the high quality level of the tested Biodiesel produced by AGQM members which exceeds that required by the Biodiesel standard DIN EN 14214 and the sometimes even more stringent AGQM specifications. more…
7 Feb 2012
Analytic Seminar „How to understand Biodiesel”
New date for a hand-on Seminar with Focus on Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiesel
The Association Quality Management Biodiesel (AGQM) offers in cooperation with the Analytik Service GmbH (ASG) a seminar from 10 to 12 September 2012, held in English. more…
6 Feb 2012
Study published on the lifespan quality performance of Biodiesel along the logistics chain
Biodiesel does not have a negative impact on the filterability of Diesel fuel – this is the resumé of a study of the Association Quality Management Biodiesel (AGQM) which was now completed in cooperation with the mineral oil companies Total Deutschland GmbH and OMV AG. Diesel fuel according to standard DIN EN 590 contains Biodiesel of up to 7 % V/V. more…
22 Dec 2011
UFOP Publishes Report on International Biodiesel Markets
On behalf of the Union zur Förderung von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen e. V. (UFOP), Ecofys Gerrmany GmbH has compiled a report on the market development for biodiesel in the German and international biodiesel markets. more…
22 Dec 2011
Festive Commissioning of the HVO Production Plant in Rotterdam
Neste Oil AG commissioned its new facility with a capacity of 800,000 tonnes for the production of hydrated vegetable oil (HVO) in Rotterdam on 19th December 2011. more…
10 Nov 2011
Quality Check Material for Test Methods for Oxidation Stability
The Association Quality Management Biodiesel (AGQM) offers a quality check material for the testing of the method for oxidation stability of Biodiesel. more…
31 Oct 2011
AGQM/FAM Workshop Finalizes Round Robin Test for Biodiesel and Rapeseed Oil Fuels Increasing international significance noted
During their joint workshop AGQM and FAM presented the results of the 2011 RR test for Biodiesel and rapeseed oil fuel to an expert audience. All in all 70 laboratories – of which 55 were German, 9 European and 6 from outside Europe – participated in this year’s international RR test. This development as well as the constantly increasing number of participants clearly shows that the RR test is gaining more and more in importance and international significance. more…
11 Oct 2011
Election of AGQM Board
During their annual General Meeting the members of Arbeitsgemeinschaft Qualitaetsmanagement Biodiesel e.V. (AGQM) confirmed in office as Members of the Board Dr Juergen Fischer (chairman)/ADM Research GmbH, Dr Georg Pollert (vice chairman)/Verbio AG and Rolf Sieber (vice chairman)/SBE BioEnergie Handelsgesellschaft mbH. Dr Ruediger Brautzsch/Bio-Diesel Wittenberge GmbH was also re-elected. Henning Bohne/Louis Dreyfus Commodities Wittenberg GmbH, Dr Frank Kohl/NEW Natural Energy West as well as Elmar Baumann/Verband der Deutschen Biokraftstoffindustrie e.V. were elected new Members of the AGQM Board. more…
7 Oct 2011
Biodiesel - a quality fuel with a future
The Association Quality management Biodiesel (AGQM) held its 5th "Biodiesel" International Conference on 6th and 7th October 2011 with lectures on the political framework, the conditions for marketing Biodiesel, quality aspects and the motor vehicle engineering requirements for meeting exhaust standards. The organiser´s expectations were met with more than 80, above all foreign, attendees.