25 Mar 2010
Further oxidation stabilisers added to no-harm-list for biodiesel.
TheStandard DIN 51628 urgently recommends oxidation stabilisers as biodiesel component in B7 fuel. This recommendation, which is based on practical experience, has been included in many binding delivery specifications for biodiesel throughout the world. Similar requirements are under discussion also for the revision of European Standards for blended fuels. DIN 51628 at the same time makes reference to additional no-harm requirements for such additives. more…
1 Feb 2010
Radical change in biodiesel use – no future as pure fuel?
Biodiesel sales slumped by about 740,000 MT on 2009 in comparison with 2007. The pure fuel, the core product for biodiesel producers, distributors and filling station owners, dropped from approximately 1.85 million MT to 0.231 million MT within the same period. more…
22 Jan 2010
National Implementation of Biomass Sustainability Regulations
A technical seminar organised by Union zur Förderung von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen e. V. (UFOP) jointly with Arbeitsgemeinschaft Qualitätsmanagement Biodiesel e. V. (AGQM) on 20&21 January 2010 received an unusually positive feedback. More than 120 representatives, most of them from the oilseed processing segment as well as the biodiesel and mineral oil industry, were welcomed by AGQM General Manager Dieter Bockey. more…
20 Jan 2010
UFOP Board Demands Further Development of the Biodiesel Strategy
At its first meeting in 2010 on the occasion of the International Green Week exhibition, the members of the Board of the Union zur Förderung von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen e.V. (UFOP) discussed the necessity of a sustainable orientation in the development of the strategy for the sale of biodiesel and plant oil fuels. more…
14 Dec 2009
DEUTZ recommends AGQM Biodiesel
In its latest release, DEUTZ AG reports on the state of release for the use of biodiesel as pure fuel. The release lists the engine series for which biodiesel has been permitted as pure fuel and the future TCD 2015 series, for which the release has been announced for 2010. more…
30 Nov 2009
Reviving biofuel markets in Germany: Biofuels industry presents catalogue of recommendations in Berlin
After the significant decline of the biofuels market share in transportation from 7,1% in 2007 to 5,9% in 2008, the new German government has promised a revitalization of the biofuel markets in their coalition agreement. In the now published draft law of the so called “Wachstumsbeschleunigungsgesetz” (“Law for accelerated growth”) the government proposes to freeze the actual tax on B100 and pure vegetable oils to this years’ rate for the next three years instead of the originally scheduled tax increase. But this measure won’t be sufficient to revitalize the markets, the more than 450 participants of the 7th International BBE/UFOP Conference on Biofuels, “Fuels of the Future 2009” on November 30th and December 1st in Berlin agreed. more…
13 Nov 2009
New AGQM website
On the occasion of the general meeting of AGQM Arbeitsgemeinschaft Qualitätsmanagement Biodiesel e.V., the Association activated its redesigned internet platform. The website of AGQM contains an abundance of information on biodiesel, quality assurance, research and development as well as a constantly wider array of the Association’s service activities. more…
9 Nov 2009
REACH is a disaster for the biodiesel industry
The worst fears seem to be confirmed as the result of a hearing in the European Parliament on 3 November 2009. The Committee concludes that the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) responsible for the registration of chemicals under the European Chemicals Directive (REACH) is utterly unable to handle the situation and is grossly understaffed.Meanwhile they are even talking of an emergency plan in order to cope with the spade of applications which, according to ECHA Director General Geerd Dancet, is higher than expected by factor 20. more…
14 Aug 2009
AGQM Focus Seminar for Analysts and Plant Operators
AGQM is announcing its forthcoming Focus Seminar for Analysts and Plant Operators. It will be held from 18.11.-20.11.09 at ASG Analytik Service GmbH, Neusaess near Augsburg/ Germany. more…
20 Jul 2009
Oil Dilution of a Passenger Car Diesel Engine in Operation with blended Diesel Fuel B10
Currently Biodiesel (RME) is mixed according to EN 14214 and EN 590 with up to 5% of fossil Diesel fuel. With a further increase of RME fraction to 10% (B10 blend), there are uncertainties regarding the undisturbed longlife behavior due to variations of the physicochemical properties of RME more…